Monday, 26 March 2012


In the future, as a professional science educator, I plan to become an intelligent and successful teacher to form the generations Y which have high knowledge in science education  to the development of society, race and our country. I want encourage the student to love studying science subject because according to the Ministry of Education Malaysia, the lack of students participation in the field of Science at both school and university levels is concern for all parties. In this case, it gives me an inspiration to invite students to interest in this subject and can increase the percentage of students like studying science subject.

I am dedicated to learning more about sciences includes biology, chemistry and physics in education and I also have golden dreams to further my studies in master education of biology in the University Putra Malaysia, Selangor. I love teaching and studying although education of biology is so complicated subject. I will do the best effort to educate student and using the technology facilities to attract and enhance student in the process of teaching and learning.

My beliefs about teaching science are a very important education for the development the medical sector, pharmacies and others in the country. I believe that taking this subject so widely penetrated our lives.  

In the classroom, I will work to enhance or improve student learning in science education with varieties of fun activities but full with knowledge in the field of such as making study group, task outdoor, and science game and so on.  I hope what I plan in the future become a reality. I always remember this quotes in my mind : “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” –Goethe.



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