Tuesday, 27 March 2012


A study of philosophy of education seems imperative today, for we are in a critical era of transition. There has always been change but seldom at our present accelerated rate, had creating in many individuals what Alvin Toffler called future shock. It is easy for people either to embrace more and more change with little thought to eventual consequences or to resist change and keep old values no matter what.
   We can say that philosophy of education is the application of philosophical ideas to educational problems. The practice of educational philosophy is not only a way of looking at ideas but of learning how to use ideas in the best way. No intelligent philosophy of education is involved when educators can do things simply because they done in the past. A philosophy of education becomes significant when educators recognize the need to think clearly about what they are doing and to see what they doing in the larger contact of individual and social development.
      Many major philosophers have written about education; probably become education is such an integral part of life that it is difficult to think about not having it. Human are tool making beings but can also be consider education-making beings because has been closely connected with the development of civilization. Thinking about life in general has often been related to education in particular, and education has often been viewed as a way of bringing a better life into existence. This is as true today as it has ever been.
     Education involved with the world of ideas and the world of practical activity –good ideas can lead to good practices, and good practices can lead to good ideas. In order to behave intelligently in the educational process, the educator needs the things philosophy can provide – that is; an understanding of thinking process and the nature of ideas, the language we are to describe education, criticism of cultural and social traditions and perspective on how these may interact with practical affairs. For educators, philosophy is not simply a professional tool but a way of improving the quality and enjoyment of life because it helps us gain a wider and deeper perspective on human existence and the world around us.
    From this argument, it seems a necessity of us to learn, study and practice philosophy through education. So education and philosophy is an integral part which cannot be separated. However, philosophy and education hopefully can create us to be better person in all perspective.

The Classical Philosophy of Education.
1.         Idealism and Education
2.         Realism and Education
3.         Eastern Philosophy, Religion and Education
4.         Pragmatism and Education
5.         Reconstruction and Education
6.         Behaviorism and Education
7.         Existentialism, Phenomenology and education
8.         Analytic Philosophy and Education
9.         Marxism and Education
10.      Philosophy, Education and challenge of Post modernism.


In the future, everyone has plans to be a good teacher, which can teaching very excellence to educate student in the school. Teaching excellence is an academic process by which students are motivated to learn in ways that make a sustained, substantial and positive influence on how they think act and feel. I believe one of the most important things a teacher can do for students learning science is to relate Science back to everyday life as much as possible. My teaching goals in the coming five years are 
 ecourage student to think and empower them to find their own creativity 
 allowing the students to either see demonstrations, or allowing them to have hands-on experiences with the Science as much as possible 
 guides students successfully through exploration of the creative, critical thinking, and problem solving processes and helps students grapple with ideas and information they need to develop their own understanding  pursues teaching and learning as scholarly activities 
 provides, on a regular basis, constructive and objective feedback to students 
 finds unique and creative ways to connect students to each other 
 Makes student learning the highest priority 
 helps students connect learning experiences and facilitates development of self-knowledge 
 inspires them to higher intellectual levels and does not give up on students 
 helps students connect learning experiences and facilitates development of self-knowledge 
 creates an environment that invites constructive student feedback to the instructor 
 adapts teaching style to accomplish the objectives of successful student learning Science is an ever-changing discipline, and teachers who are not up-to-date on recent developments in their field cannot be effective teachers. 

   .:: I touch the future...I teach.--Christa McAullife ::.



In consonanse with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a sciense and technology cultures by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.



Education in Malaysia is an going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, So as a produce individuals, who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God.

Such an effort is designated to produce Malaysian Citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standard, and who are well responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large.


Monday, 26 March 2012


In the future, as a professional science educator, I plan to become an intelligent and successful teacher to form the generations Y which have high knowledge in science education  to the development of society, race and our country. I want encourage the student to love studying science subject because according to the Ministry of Education Malaysia, the lack of students participation in the field of Science at both school and university levels is concern for all parties. In this case, it gives me an inspiration to invite students to interest in this subject and can increase the percentage of students like studying science subject.

I am dedicated to learning more about sciences includes biology, chemistry and physics in education and I also have golden dreams to further my studies in master education of biology in the University Putra Malaysia, Selangor. I love teaching and studying although education of biology is so complicated subject. I will do the best effort to educate student and using the technology facilities to attract and enhance student in the process of teaching and learning.

My beliefs about teaching science are a very important education for the development the medical sector, pharmacies and others in the country. I believe that taking this subject so widely penetrated our lives.  

In the classroom, I will work to enhance or improve student learning in science education with varieties of fun activities but full with knowledge in the field of such as making study group, task outdoor, and science game and so on.  I hope what I plan in the future become a reality. I always remember this quotes in my mind : “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” –Goethe.



Sunday, 25 March 2012


What is Personal Development Planning (PDP) ? 

Personal Development Planning has been described as “a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development”. 

 The primary purpose of a PDP (Personal Development Plan) is to help you learn and develop more effectively and to be able to:

• learn in a wider variety of ways and a wider range of contexts;

• recognise and be able to list evidence for your own learning and therefore the progress you are making;

• draw upon and use your expanded personal knowledge to achieve particular goals;

• review, plan and take responsibility for your own learning;

• recognise and define your training/learning needs. 

 This document will help you to produce a PDP and analyse your needs and to: • define short and long term aims and objectives

• decide what is needed to achieve these aims and objectives

• be able to list, analyse and understand your strengths and weaknesses

• use the analysis of aims and objectives and strengths and weaknesses to define your need for additional study, training, and further development of all kinds to enhance your skills, knowledge and competencies. Such a process is often described as producing a Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

 • reflect on and take active part in planning and development of your own personal skills

 • be more effective in carrying out tasks (e.g. your research)